@extends('admin.layouts.sellermastersoyuz') @section('title',__('Create new product ')) @section('body') @component('seller.components.breadcumb',['thirdactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('Create new product') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('Simple Product') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('Create new product') }} @endslot @slot('button')
{{ __("Back")}}
@endslot @endcomponent
@if ($errors->any()) @endif
{{ __('Create new product') }}
{{ __("If in list primary category is also present then it will auto remove from this after create product.") }}
({{__("This tax % will add in given price.")}})
{{ __('Upload') }}
{{__("Please select product thumbnail")}}
{{ __('Upload') }}
{{__("Please select product hover thumbnail")}}
{{ __('Upload') }}
{{__("Multiple images can be choosen")}}
{{__("Max file size is 50 MB")}}

{{ __('Toggle the product status') }}

{{ __('Toggle to allow free shipping on product.') }}

{{ __('Toggle to allow product cancellation on order.') }}

{{ __('Toggle to allow COD on product.') }}

({{ __('Please choose an option that return will be available for this product or not') }})
@endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection