@extends("admin.layouts.sellermastersoyuz") @section('title',__("Edit Product Variant")) @section('body') @component('seller.components.breadcumb',['secondactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('Edit Product Variant ') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('Edit Product Variant ') }} @endslot @slot('button')
{{ __("Back")}}
@endslot @endcomponent
{{__('Edit Product Variant For')}} {{ $vars->products->name }}
@php $pro = App\Product::where('id',$vars->pro_id)->first(); $row = App\AddSubVariant::withTrashed()->where('pro_id',$vars->pro_id)->get(); @endphp
@foreach($pro->variants as $key => $var)
@php $k = '_'; @endphp @if (strpos($var->getattrname->attr_name, $k) == false) {{ $var->getattrname->attr_name }} @else {{str_replace('_', ' ', $var->getattrname->attr_name)}} @endif
@foreach($var->attr_value as $a => $value) @php $nameofvalue = App\ProductValues::where('id','=',$value)->first(); @endphp @endforeach
{{ __('Please enter Price In Positive or Negative') }}

{{__('Ex.')}} {{__('If for this product price is 100 and you enter +10 than price will be 110')}}
{{__('If for this product price is 100 and you enter -10 than price will be 90')}}

@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image1']) @else @endif
{{ __("Image 1") }}
@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image2']) @else @endif
{{ __('Image 2') }}
@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image3']) @else @endif
{{ __('Image 3') }}
@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image4']) @else @endif
{{ __('Image 4') }}
@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image5']) @else @endif
{{ __('Image 5') }}
@if($vars->variantimages && $vars->variantimages['image6']) @else @endif
{{__('Image 6')}}
@endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection