{{ __("If in list primary category is also present then it will auto remove from this after create product.") }}
({{ __('Please Choose Store Name') }})
({{ __('Catlog file max size') }}: 1MB ) | {{ __('Supported files : pdf,docs,docx,ppt,txt') }}
• {{__('Supported urls are')}} : Youtube,vimeo, only.
• {{__("Max upload size is")}} 500KB.

({{__("Price you entering is in")}} {{ $genrals_settings->currency_code }}) ': 200 or 200.25' ]) }} " pattern="[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?" required="" type="text" id="first-name" name="price" value="{{ old('price') }}" placeholder="{{ __('Please enter product price') }}" class="form-control"> {{ __('Don\'t put comma while entering PRICE') }}

({{__("Offer Price you entering is in")}} {{ $genrals_settings->currency_code }}) ': 200 or 200.25' ])}}" pattern="[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?" type="text" id="first-name" name="offer_price" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ __('Please enter product offer price') }}" value="{{ old('offer_price') }}"> {{ __('Don\'t put comma whilt entering OFFER PRICE') }}

({{__('Gift Packaging Charge you entering is IN')}} {{ $defCurrency->currency->code }}) ': 200 or 200.25' ])}} " pattern="[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?" type="text" name="gift_pkg_charge" class="form-control" value="{{ old('gift_pkg_charge') }}"> {{ __('PUT 0 if you don\'t want to enable gift packaging for this product.') }}
({{__('Please choose tax class')}})

({{__('If Enabled Then Free Shipping will enabled for this product')}})

({{__('Please Choose Status')}})

({{__('Please toggle cancel status if product is cancellable after order')}})

({{__('Please choose Cash on Delivery available on this product or not')}})

({{__("Please choose an option that return will be available for this product or not")}})

({{__("Please choose an option that return will be available for this product or not")}})