@extends('admin.layouts.sellermastersoyuz') @section('title', __('View Payout # :payoutid',['payoutid' => $payout->payoutid])) @section('body') @component('seller.components.breadcumb',['thirdactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('Invoice') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('Completed Payments') }} @endslot @slot('menu2') {{ __('Invoice') }} @endslot @slot('button')
{{ __("Back")}}
@endslot @endcomponent

{{ $title }}

{{ $seoset['metadata_des'] }}

{{ $genrals_settings['address'] }}


No :#{{ $inv_cus->prefix.$payout->singleorder->inv_no.$inv_cus->postfix }}

{{ date('d/m/Y',strtotime($payout->created_at)) }}

@if($payout->paidvia == 'Bank') {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount+$payout->txn_fee-$payout->txn_fee) }} @else {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount) }} @endif

Form to
{{ $genrals_settings->project_name }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->address }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->mobile }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->email }}
{{ $payout->vender->name }}
  • {{ $payout->vender->store->address }}
  • {{ $payout->vender->store->city['name'] }}, {{ $payout->vender->store->state['name'] }}, {{ $payout->vender->store->country['nicename'] }}
  • {{ $payout->vender->store->mobile }}
  • {{ $payout->vender->store->paypal_email }}
Payment Method
@if($payout->paidvia == 'Paypal')

@endif @if($payout->paidvia == 'Bank') bank_transfer @endif

via PayPal

@if($payout->singleorder->variant) @endif @if($payout->singleorder->simple_product) @endif
# {{ __('Image') }} {{ __('Product') }} {{ __('HSN') }} {{ __('Qty') }}.
1 {{ $payout->singleorder->variant->products->name }} ({{ variantname($payout->singleorder->variant) }}) {{ $payout->singleorder->variant->products->hsn }} {{ $payout->singleorder->simple_product->product_name }} {{ $payout->singleorder->simple_product->hsin }}{{ $payout->singleorder->qty }}
{{ __('Payout ID') }}: {{ $payout->payoutid}}
@if($payout->paidvia == 'Paypal') {{ __('Payment Status') }}: {{ $status }}
{{ __('Paypal Batch ID') }}: {{ $payout->txn_id }}
@endif {{ __('Transcation ID') }}: {{ $txnid }}
{{ __('Payment Method') }}: {{ $payout->paidvia == 'Bank' ? "Bank Transfer [$payout->txn_type]" : $payout->paidvia }}
@if($payout->txn_fee !='') @if($payout->paidvia =='Paypal') @else @endif @endif
{{__("Subtotal")}} : @if($payout->paidvia == 'Bank') {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount+$payout->txn_fee) }} @else {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount) }} @endif
{{__("Transcation Charge")}}: {{ $payout->txn_fee }}
{{__("Transcation Charge")}}: - {{ $payout->txn_fee }}
{{ __('Total') }}:
@if($payout->paidvia == 'Bank') {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount+$payout->txn_fee-$payout->txn_fee) }} @else {{ sprintf("%.2f", $payout->orderamount) }} @endif
{{ __('Special Note for this order') }}:

@if($payout->paidvia == 'Paypal') {{__("Payout fee of")}} {{ $payout->txn_fee }} {{__("is additionally applied by Paypal not included in grand total.")}} @elseif($payout->paidvia == 'bank') {{__("Bank Transfer")}} [{{ $payout->txn_type }}] {{__("usually takes 2-3 working days or 48hours for reflect amount in user bank account.")}} @else {{__("Amount is already paid to the seller.")}} @endif

{{ __('Contact Us') }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->project_name }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->email }}
  • {{ $genrals_settings->mobile }}