@extends("admin.layouts.sellermastersoyuz") @section('title',__('View order',['orderid' => $inv_cus->order_prefix.$order->order_id])) @section('stylesheet') @endsection @section('body') @component('seller.components.breadcumb',['secondactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('View Order ') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('View Order ') }} @endslot @endcomponent
{{ __('View order',['orderid' => $inv_cus->order_prefix.$order->order_id]) }}
@if($order->manual_payment == '1')
{{__("This order is placed using")}} {{ ucfirst($order->payment_method) }} {{__("method and purchase proof you can view")}} order_id }}"> {{ __("here") }} {{__("and")}} {{__("after verify you can change the order status")}}.
@endif @if($order->cancellog->count()>0)
@foreach($order->cancellog->sortByDesc('id') as $cancellog)

{{ date('d-m-Y | h:i A',strtotime($cancellog->updated_at)) }} • Item @if(isset($cancellog->singleOrder->variant)) {{ $cancellog->singleOrder->variant->products->name }}({{ variantname($cancellog->singleOrder->variant->variant) }}) @else {{ $cancellog->singleOrder->simple_product->product_name }} @endif {{__('has been canceled')}} @if($cancellog->method_choosen == 'orignal') {{__('and Amount')}} {{ $cancellog->amount }} {{__('is refunded to its orignal source with TXN ID')}}: {{ $cancellog->transaction_id }}. @elseif($cancellog->method_choosen == 'bank') @if($cancellog->is_refunded == 'completed') {{__('and Amount')}} {{ $cancellog->amount }} {{__("is refunded to")}} {{ $cancellog->user->name }}'s {{__('bank ac')}} @if(isset($cancellog->bank->acno)) XXXX{{ substr($cancellog->bank->acno, -4) }} @endif with TXN ID {{ $cancellog->transaction_id }} @if($cancellog->txn_fee !='')
(TXN FEE APPLIED) {{ $cancellog->txn_fee }} @endif
. @else {{__('and Amount')}} {{ $cancellog->amount }} {{__('is pending to')}} {{ $cancellog->user->name }}'s {{__('bank ac')}} XXXX{{ substr($cancellog->bank->acno, -4) }} {{__('with TXN ID/REF NO')}} {{ $cancellog->transaction_id }} @if($cancellog->txn_fee !='')
({{__('TXN FEE APPLIED')}}) {{ $cancellog->txn_fee }} @endif. @endif @endif

@endif @if($order->refundlogs->count()>0) @foreach($order->refundlogs->sortByDesc('id') as $rlogs)

{{ date('d-m-Y | h:i A',strtotime($rlogs->updated_at)) }} • {{__('Item')}} @if(isset($rlogs->getorder->variant)) {{ $rlogs->getorder->variant->products->name }}({{ variantname($rlogs->getorder->variant) }}) @else {{ $rlogs->getorder->simple_product->product_name }} @endif {{__("has been")}} @if($rlogs->getorder->status == 'return_request') {{__('requested for return')}} @else @if($rlogs->getorder->status == 'ret_ref') {{__("Returned and refunded")}} @else {{ ucfirst($rlogs->getorder->status) }} @endif @endif @if($rlogs->method_choosen == 'orignal') {{__('and amount')}} {{ $rlogs->amount }} is {{ $rlogs->status }} {{ __('to its orignal source with TXN ID') }}: {{ $rlogs->txn_id }}. @elseif($rlogs->method_choosen == 'bank') @if($rlogs->status == 'refunded') {{__('and amount')}} {{ $rlogs->amount }} is {{ $rlogs->status }} to {{ $rlogs->user->name }}'s bank ac @if(isset($rlogs->bank->acno)) XXXX{{ substr($rlogs->bank->acno, -4) }} @endif with TXN ID: {{ $rlogs->txn_id }} @if($rlogs->txn_fee !='')
({{ __('TXN FEE APPLIED') }}) {{ $rlogs->txn_fee }} @endif
. @else {{__('and amount')}} {{ $rlogs->amount }} {{__('is pending to')}} {{ $rlogs->user->name }}'s {{__('bank ac')}} @if(isset($rlogs->bank->acno)) XXXX{{ substr($rlogs->bank->acno, -4) }} @endif {{__('with TXN ID/REF NO')}}: {{ $rlogs->txn_id }} @if($rlogs->txn_fee !='')
({{ __('TXN FEE APPLIED') }}) {{ $rlogs->txn_fee }} @endif. @endif @endif

@endforeach @endif
{{__('Customer Information')}} {{__('Shipping Address')}} {{__("Billing Address")}}
@php $user = $order->user; $address = $order->shippingaddress; @endphp


{{ $user->email }}




{{$user->city ? $user->city->name.',' : ""}} {{$user->state ? $user->state->name.',' : ""}} {{$user->country ? $user->country->nicename : ""}}

{{ $address->name }}, {{ $address->phone }}

{{ strip_tags($address->address) }},

@php $user = $order->user; $c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$address->country_id)->first()->nicename; $s = App\Allstate::where('id',$address->state_id)->first()->name; $ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$address->city_id)->first() ? App\Allcity::where('id',$address->city_id)->first()->name : ''; @endphp

{{ $ci }}, {{ $s }}, {{ $ci }}

{{ $address->pin_code }}

{{ $order->billing_address['firstname'] }}, {{ $order->billing_address['mobile'] }}

{{ strip_tags($order->billing_address['address']) }},

@php $c = App\Allcountry::where('id',$order->billing_address['country_id'])->first()->nicename; $s = App\Allstate::where('id',$order->billing_address['state'])->first()->name; $ci = App\Allcity::where('id',$order->billing_address['city'])->first() ? App\Allcity::where('id',$order->billing_address['city'])->first()->name : ''; @endphp

{{ $ci }}, {{ $s }}, {{ $ci }}

@if(isset($order->billing_address['pincode'])) {{ $order->billing_address['pincode'] }} @endif

{{__("Order Summary")}}

{{__("Total Qty")}}: {{ $x->sum('qty') }}

{{__('Order Total')}}: {{ sprintf("%.2f",$total) }}

{{__('Payment Recieved')}}: {{ ucfirst($order->payment_receive) }}

{{__("Payment Method")}}: {{ ucfirst($order->payment_method) }}

{{ __('Transcation ID') }}: {{ $order->transaction_id }}

{{ __('Order Date') }}: {{ date('d/m/Y @ h:i a', strtotime($order->created_at)) }}

@foreach($x as $invoice) @if($invoice->local_pick != '' && !in_array($invoice->status,['canceled','delivered','Refund Pending','ret_ref','refunded','return_request']))
@if(isset($invoice->variant)) @php $varcount = count($invoice->variant->main_attr_value); @endphp For Item {{ $invoice->variant->products->name }} ({{ variantname($invoice->variant) }}) @endif @if($invoice->simple_products) {{ $invoice->simple_products->product_name }} @endif {{__("Customer has choosen Local Pickup")}}. @if($invoice->status != 'delivered') {{__("Estimated Delivery date")}}: {{ $invoice->loc_deliv_date == '' ? __("Yet to update") : date('d-m-Y',strtotime($invoice->loc_deliv_date)) }} @else {{__("Item Delivered On")}}: {{ $invoice->loc_deliv_date == '' ? __("Yet to update") : date('d-m-Y',strtotime($invoice->loc_deliv_date)) }} @endif
@endif @endforeach
{{__('Order Details')}}
@foreach($x as $invoice) @endforeach
{{ __('Invoice Nos') }} {{ __('Item Name') }} {{ __('Qty') }} {{ __('Status') }} {{ __('Pricing & Tax') }} {{ __('Total') }} #
{{ $inv_cus->prefix }}{{ $invoice->inv_no }}{{ $inv_cus->postfix }}
@if(isset($invoice->variant)) @php $orivar = $invoice->variant; @endphp @if($invoice->variant->variantimages) @else @endif @endif @if(isset($invoice->simple_product)) @endif
@if(isset($invoice->variant)) {{substr($orivar->products->name, 0, 25)}}{{strlen($orivar->products->name)>25 ? '...' : ""}} ({{ variantname($orivar) }}) @endif @if($invoice->simple_product) {{ $invoice->simple_product->product_name }} @endif
@if($invoice->variant) {{ __('Sold By') }}: {{$invoice->variant->products->store->name}} @endif @if($invoice->simple_product) {{ __('Sold By') }}: {{$invoice->simple_product->store->name}} @endif
Price: {{ round(($invoice->price),2) }}
{{ __("Tax") }}: {{ round(($invoice->tax_amount),2) }} @if($invoice->variant) @if($invoice->variant->products->tax_r !='') ({{ $invoice->variant->products->tax_r.'% '.$invoice->variant->products->tax_name }} ) @endif @endif
{{ $invoice->qty }} @if($invoice->status == 'delivered') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'processed') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'shipped') {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'return_request') {{ __('Return Request') }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'returned') {{ __('Returned') }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'cancel_request') {{ __('Cancelation Request') }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'canceled') {{ __('Canceled') }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'refunded') {{ __('Refunded') }} @elseif($invoice->status == 'ret_ref') {{ __('Returned & Refunded') }} @else {{ ucfirst($invoice->status) }} @endif {{ __('Total Price') }}: {{ round(($invoice->price*$invoice->qty),2) }}

{{__("Total Tax")}}: {{ round(($invoice->tax_amount * $invoice->qty),2) }}

{{__("Shipping Charges")}}: {{ round($invoice->shipping,2) }}

({{__("Price & TAX Multiplied with Quantity")}})

{{ sprintf("%.2f",$invoice->qty*($invoice->price+$invoice->tax_amount)+$invoice->shipping,2) }}
({{__('Incl. of TAX & Shipping')}})
{{ __('Subtotal') }} {{ $total - $hc - $giftcharge }}
{{ __('Coupon Discount') }} - {{ round($order->discount,2) }} ({{ $order->coupon }})
{{ __('Gift Packaging Charge') }} + {{ round($giftcharge,2) }}
{{ __('Handling Charge') }} + {{ round($hc,2) }}
{{ __('Grand Total') }} {{ round($total,2) }}

{{__("Order Activity Logs")}}

@if(count($order->orderlogs) < 1) No activity logs for this orde @endif #{{ $inv_cus->order_prefix }}{{ $order->order_id }}
@foreach($order->orderlogs->sortByDesc('id') as $logs) @if(isset($logs->variant)) @php $findinvoice = App\InvoiceDownload::find($logs->inv_id)->first(); $orivar = App\AddSubVariant::withTrashed()->withTrashed()->find($logs->variant_id); if($order->payment_method != 'COD'){ if(isset($cancellog)){ $findinvoice2 = App\InvoiceDownload::where('id','=',$cancellog->inv_id)->first(); $orivar2 = App\AddSubVariant::withTrashed()->withTrashed()->findorfail($findinvoice2->variant_id); } } @endphp @if($logs->variant->products->vender_id == Auth::user()->id) {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:a',strtotime($logs->updated_at)) }} • For Order {{ $orivar->products->name }} ({{variantname($orivar)}}) : @if($logs->user->role_id == 'a') {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{ __('Admin') }}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @elseif($logs->user->role_id == 'v') {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{__('Vendor')}}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @else {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{__('Customer')}}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @endif @endif @endif @if(isset($logs->simple_product) && $logs->simple_product->store->user->id == auth()->id()) {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:a',strtotime($logs->updated_at)) }} • {{__("For Order Item")}} {{ $logs->simple_product->product_name }} @if($logs->user->role_id == 'a') {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{__("Admin")}}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @elseif($logs->user->role_id == 'v') {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{__('Vendor')}}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @else {{ $logs->user->name }} ({{__('Customer')}}) {{__('changed status to')}} {{ $logs->log }} @endif @endif

@endsection @section('custom-script') @endsection