@extends('admin.layouts.master-soyuz') @section('title',__('All Menus | ')) @section('body') @component('admin.component.breadcumb',['thirdactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('Home') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __("All Menu List") }} @endslot @slot('menu2') {{ __("All Menu List") }} @endslot @endcomponent @inject('pages','App\Page')
{{ $error}}
# | {{ __('Title') }} | {{__('Additonal Detail')}} | {{__('Action')}} |
# | {{ __("Menu Title") }} | {{ __("Info.") }} | {{__("Action")}} |
{{ $key + 1 }} | {{ $fm->title }} |
@if($fm->link_by == 'page') {{ __("Linked to:") }} {{__("Page")}} @else {{ __("Linked to:") }} {{__('URL')}} @endif Widget Position: {{ $fm->widget_postion == 'footer_wid_3' ? __("Footer Widget 3") : __("Footer Widget 4") }} {{ __('Status:') }} @if($fm->status == '1') {{ __("Active") }} @else {{__("Deactive")}} @endif |
{{__("Do you really want to delete this menu? This process cannot be undone.")}}
{{__("Do you really want to delete these top menus? This process cannot be undone.")}}
{{__('Do you really want to delete these footer menus? This process cannot be undone.')}}