@extends('admin.layouts.master-soyuz') @section('title',__('All Subcategories')) @section('body') @component('admin.component.breadcumb',['secondaryactive' => 'active']) @slot('heading') {{ __('All Subcategories') }} @endslot @slot('menu1') {{ __('Subcategories') }} @endslot @slot('button') @can('subcategory.create')
@endslot @endcomponent @endcan# | {{ __("ID") }} | {{ __("Image") }} | {{ __('Subcategory Detail') }} | {{ __('Icon') }} | {{ __('Status') }} | {{ __('Featured') }} | {{ __('Added/ Updated On') }} | {{ __('Action') }} |
{{ ++$key }} | {{ $cat->id }} |
@if($cat->image != '' && file_exists(public_path().'/images/subcategory/'.$cat->image) )
Name: {{$cat->title}} {{ __("Description") }}: {{strip_tags($cat->description)}} {{__("Parent Category")}}: {{$cat->category['title'] ?? ''}} |
@can('subcategory.edit') @endcan | @can('subcategory.edit') @endcan |
{{ date('M jS Y',strtotime($cat->created_at)) }}, {{ date('h:i A',strtotime($cat->created_at)) }} {{ date('M jS Y',strtotime($cat->updated_at)) }} {{ date('h:i A',strtotime($cat->updated_at)) }} |
{{ __("Edit") }}
{{ __("Delete") }}
{{ __("DELETE") }}{{ __('Are You Sure ?')}}{{ __('Do you really want to delete')}}? {{ __('This process cannot be undone.')}} |
{{ __('Follow the instructions carefully before importing the file.') }}
{{ __('The columns of the file should be in the following order.') }}
{{ __("Column No") }} | {{ __('Column Name') }} | {{ __("Required") }} | {{ __('Description') }} |
1 | name | {{ __('Yes') }} | {{ __("Enter category name") }} |
2 | status | {{ __('Yes') }} | {{__('Category status')}} (1 = {{ __('active') }}, 0 = {{ __('deactive') }}) . |
3 | image | {{ __('No') }} | {{ __('Name your image eg: example.jpg (Image can be uploaded using Media Manager / Subcategory Files Tab. )') }} . |
4 | icon | {{ __('No') }} | {{__("Icon class name eg:")}} fa-book. . |
5 | description | {{ __('No') }} | {{ __("Description of your category.") }} |
6 | featured | {{ __('No') }} | {{ __('Set subcategory to be featured') }} 1 = {{ __('Yes') }}, 0 = {{ __('No') }}. |
7 | parent_cat | {{ __('Yes') }} | {{ __('Parent category id to be passed here. It means that this subcategory is linked with given category id.') }} |